Think Easy, Think Green, Think Real

ThinKnx Configurator
The ThinKnx Configurator software the indispensable tool for the creation and development of a supervision project. It makes possible to create all the connections between the GUI and all the devices integrated into the plant.
Following some simple steps and intuitive parametres, graphic interfaces can be deeply customised and are accessible from every client and device.
Just as efficiently, it is possible to create logics and to set up all the system elements to obtain deep integrations between all the existing devices.
Finally, the same tool allows to upload the project on client devices and Alveo servers with differentiated exports based on the specific user.
Create logics and basic functions.
Structures GUI according to user preferences.
Create different project versions according to users.
Download the project directly on server and clients.
Principal features
Generic command
The generic command allows to insert customised command, different from “Switch” objects, into the interface. Using this objects it is possible to send KNX telegrams to specified groups, to launch scenarios, to operate in the graphic interface, ecc. It is commonly used to control devices such as IR Trans, audio/video moulds, Sonos etc.